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Welcome to Bold St3p C.I.C


Preserving mental health and wellbeing of people in our community.

Our Activities:

- Mental health and well-being Support

-  Safe Space for mental health support

- Culturally sensitive support

 - Social inclusion group session

- Mental health awareness events

- Workshops | Seminars | Conferences

- Tackling stigma in Mental health

- Self esteem and Confidence building 

- Awareness workshops to tackle harmful practices that can have impact on people's mental health and wellbeing.

We need donations to fund our activities
We appreciate your support. 

Bank Details:

Account Name: Bold St3p Sortcode: 30-90-90. Acc: 31287168

BOLD ST3P C.I.C. 14530071

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©2023 Created  by Eneobong N. Robert
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